Everyone. Everywhere. Living like Jesus.
Wouldn't it be amazing to see every person, everywhere in the world, living like Jesus?! That vision is the destination we hope to reach as a church. In order to get there, it must start with every one of us, everywhere we are, living like Jesus.
Ephesians 5:1-2 says "Therefore, be imitators of God, as dearly loved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us...'“

“Where we live, the places we work, our schools or kids' activities, the circles of friends we hold dear, the people we see every day – these are the places we will have the most impact. These are the places where each one of us has deep connections, where we are known and loved, and where we have the greatest opportunity to share Jesus.” -Pastor Seth
Local Covenant Church is a small church plant of the Northwest Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC).
Values are the non-negotiable convictions and priorities that keep our actions, as a church, on track towards accomplishing our vision and mission. We believe God has called Local to these six values: We are Rooted in Scripture, We are Authentic, We are Missional, We are Generous, We are Invitational and We are In It Together.